The Truth Behind McDonalds

McDonalds is a Hamburger resturant that has been around for ages. We all tried there food, but did you know what actually was in their meat. In 1969was the start of McDonalds. Mcdonalds back didn't have a mascot, witch today is a creepy ass clown named Ronald. But then they started planning out a mascot for there resturant. Then this guy , Nobody knows his name, but I'm gonna call him by his Xbox live gamertag xXxOpticSlayerxXx.
This guy played as the mascot of mcdonalds, he dressed like spoderman and he was a serial killer. He would kidnapp people and make them meat for the hamburgers. But he was a gentleman, he never hurt ladies. A lady by the name of Taylor found a hand in her big mac. The man was arrested and put in a insane asylum where he still resites till this day.
So you thought that was the only bad thing about mcdonalds. Have you ever thought what toys they put in the happy meals.A little girl named Bethany found a weed pipe in her happy meal. An empolyee by the name of Snoop Dog got caught smokeing weed in the back room he was later fired. A teenage boy by the name of Kyle found a disc that had a label sonic.exe in his happy meal. He then went home play it but then a demonic sonic killed him.
That is the truth behind McDonald. HOPE YOU ENJOY :)